
Our school, the HAK Wolfsberg, is a 5-year business-school which focuses on developing students' skills in economics as well as in languages. At the end of the 5 years, students graduate with a diploma called the Matura which enables them to attend university or other tertiary educational institutions. In addition, our students will have the necessary licenses to start a business.  


We take part in this Erasmus+ programme because we firmly believe that it is a great opportunity for our students to further develop and use their already aquired skills. Furthermore, we believe in the principles upheld by the European Union and this project allows our students to get in contact and build relationships with students from other participating countries. So far, our students have made many important memories, new friends and they could learn about and experience other European cultures.

Opening hours

Mo - FR
7.30 - 16.15 Uhr


HAK Wolfsberg

Gartenstraße 1

9400 Wolfsberg

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